Supertex introduced AT9919, an LED lamp driver integrated circuit (IC), designed specifically for solid-state lighting applications in automobiles, such as head lights, tail lights, brake indicator lights, dome lights, and panel backlights. AT9919 is AEC-Q100 compliant, and drives LEDs using a buck topology. It is available in a compact, eight-lead, DFN package.
Because of the hysteretic control function of the IC, a constant output current to the LED string is maintained at all times, thereby improving the reliability and lifetime of the LEDs. LED brightness is achieved through a PWM control signal. The IC drives loads of up to 1.0A at over 90% efficiency from input voltages ranging from 4.5 to 40V.
The AT9919 is available in an eight-lead DFN package (AT9919K7-G). The part is RoHS compliant. Samples are available from stock. Pricing is US$0.98 each for the AT9919K7-G in 1K quantities.
More information about Automotive LED Lamp Driver IC can be found at Supertex Website